Le blog de entregars

Adam was new to the company but right away, beneath that ex-jock exterior of his, I knew he liked cock. Scratch that, I knew the fucker craved it. There was a mentoring program where junior employees were teamed up with management for advice and career tracking. I made sure Adam was my mentee. It didn’t take much to crack his professionalism. A lingering look here, a well placed hand on the knee there. Soon I was breaking every rule in the sexual harrassment handbook. Cause I knew I could with this guy.  I know now to schedule an hour for our appointments. I take him from behind. That way, he can’t kiss me, can’t read my facial expression, can’t push back on me to slow down. Just feel unadulterated, raw possession by a company executive. 

Mar 9 avr 2013 Aucun commentaire